Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Rachel got from the video in class:

I remember someone telling me about computers being as big as rooms and extremely rare when I was little, but I found it interesting that it was made for government and educational purposes at first. It makes complete sense when I heard it, but because of what we use it for today it was weird thinking that was the main purpose for the internet.

I am also really amazed at how fast and quickly computers and the internet is taking over our daily lives. In class we were discussing how people remembered their first interactions with computers and phones coming out, and to think nowadays kids have phones and are looking for wi-fi connections instead of playing with chalk outside. We are all learning still how to be as tech savvy as possible, but it's a bit scary to think how tech advanced this generation of kids will be when they reach our age. I'm excited to see what comes next in this next decade!

1 comment:

Cindy Royal said...

Include links in all your posts.