Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Bio/Film Overview

Hello Everyone,

My name is Joe Vasquez, a graduate student at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I am a 23 year old from a small southern town named Eagle Pass, TX. I am also the third of four children and have four nephews. In my spare time I enjoy being outdoors, running, traveling, and hanging out with my girlfriend, loved ones, and friends. Additionally, I also enjoy taking photographs of my surroundings.

In regards to this course, I decided to take it in an effort to comprehend what it takes to create and maintain a website, while acquiring a new ability. Hopefully after taking this course I will possess a series of skills that would make me more marketable and help me in my field.

In reference to today's video, I learned that the Internet and the web were strongly influenced by current events (i.e. Gulf War, Soviets, etc) and the ideas of innovative individuals (i.e. Paul Baran-Internet Pionner, etc) who made their concepts turn into reality. After seeing part of this documentary, I have realized how the Internet and the web have evolved and have transformed our daily lives into a less strenuous environment by a click of a button.

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