Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The roots of technology

I really had never researched the history of the internet.  I think it is just one of those things we take for granted.  I can remember my parents getting a computer when I was really young, but I only played games on it.  By the time I was in middle school I was using Netscape for school projects and chatting on ICQ or AIM.  Using the internet to communicate and do research just made sense. 
I think it is amazing that some of the pioneers of the internet were our age when they started working on it.  The video stated that the telephone and even the telegraph were building blocks for the internet.  The telephone and especially the telegraph seem like such simple ideas compared to the internet.  It makes me wonder if the internet will be a simple building block to something more mind blowing in the future.  It's hard to imagine anything more advanced than the internet and all the options it has opened up.

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