Monday, July 13, 2009

Hey all!

So I go by Alex, and I'm going on my senior year here.. I dont know about you guys but I LOVE our professors. Ive been bothering them with my questions since freshman year.. and they still let me come around - its amazing.

I'm originally from Mexico but I was raised in El Paso (the coolest border town ever). I started being interested in j-school back in high school and decided to come to Texas State for the accredited program. Thanks to all the professors I was talking about, I landed a few really fantasic internships. Last summer I had a great time in Laredo at the Times writing pretty much anything that landed on my desk. I spent this last spring term in Washington with the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire writing stories then producing some photo/video slideshows for our site. I got to cover the inauguration and some of the events leading up to it. I actually really miss Washington. Right now I'm interning with the Express-News down in San Antonio three days a week.. I am a scanners reporter and video intern - which pretty much means I get ride around to crime scenes in the Crime Jeep.. (it doesnt have a camo theme, but its still cool)That will explain the bags under my eyes later in the month.

Anyway, the reason Im taking the class is because I really like the design aspect of websites and I would like to be able to make my own. This is all very informal so excuse my typos..

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