Monday, July 13, 2009

Daniel Tyrone

What is up guys and gals?!? My name is Daniel and I comprise of half of the male population in the class.(For all of you that have Kaufman's class at noon, like the usage of the word comprise? I thought you would.) Anyway, I am 23 and plan on graduating in December. I am definitely at the point where I am just like," Get Me Outta Here!" I honestly do not have any plans after graduation but that's totally how I have always lived my life, flying by the seat of my pants.
Like I said in class, I have taken this exact class before. I feel that it is necessary to say a few things that I think should help most of you before we actually dive into the class. As Cindy said when my first time around, this is pretty much a graduate class. This class demands more of you than your typical senior class. That is the bottom line and if you keep this idea in the back of your mind, you should have the foundation you need to be succesful. This is learing a whole new language, a whole new way of thought. It is taught at a fast pace (especially because it is summer) and can be quite and eye-opener if you're not ready. Do not be scared though, the knowledge you are about to attain is extremely exciting and very fun to learn. Just do not be lazy and do not ever think sites design themselves or will be designed in the two hours before it is due. This class will teach you about organization and how not to procrastinate. And it is definitely a gateway towards a whole new technological world.
Alright, enough sucking up to Cindy, let's talk about me. I love all sports. Love them. I am a very outspoken person and I'm never afraid to speak my opinion. No, I will not go out of my way to make sure that you know what mine is. That's just rude. I love music. I have been in many bands covering all genres from punk rock to country. I have given up the dream that my music will take me places. It takes too much time and too little of people actually make it. School and my future are most important to me now (it's definitely better late than never).Other than that, I'm like an open book, you got a question, just ask it. Do not be afraid of the answer though.

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