Tuesday, July 14, 2009

History of the Internet and Web.

When he watched the vido I was AMAZED at how these young adults that are the same age as I am created this booming web world. I would never imagine that anyone that was my age would have the knowledge to create something as great as the browser. The fact that most of the creators were straight out of school and some still in school gives me so much more hope for my future.LOL

I was also really amazed at how fast it all happened. I don't know if it's that I am getting old or what, but the nineties seem like they were just a couple of years ago. The Internet has evolved so much since then, and it has all happened so fast. The video said that as of 1993 the Internet grew 341,000%. That is the most amazing thing I have ever heard. I can only imagine how much it has grown from then to now. There are more people on the Internet today than most thought would ever be. In one of my summer 1 classes we talked about how the number of people between the ages of 60-100 using the Internet is growing very rapidly.

I guess this is hard for me to understand because my family still thinks the Internet will die down. My dad actually retired from his job because they told him he might have to get an e-mail. I am very aware that the Internet isn't going anywhere and we should embrace everything it is giving to us. Hopefully in this class I will become a lot more knowledgeable of the Internet so that I can explain that to them.

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