Sunday, February 14, 2010


The search video we have been watching in class this past week was very interesting. I had no idea there were, in the beginning, so many search engines and now one dominates! I think it's so crazy to think that college kids, my age, not only invented the internet, but also one of my fav things to use...Google. All I really remember when using the old school family computer was checking my hotmail account, which I never had anything cool, but I guess when I was feeling exciting by looking on Nick or Disney I'm sure I used Yahoo. I bet those men feel like fools not buying Google for 1.1 mill, I think that's right; it's been a long weekend. All these "get rich" videos we're watching make me want to move to Cali! I'd probably be the first girl and TEXAS STATE student, move outta the way Stanford, here comes Texas!

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