Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Project 3 Idea: Guten Tag! Welcome to Austria!

My idea for a project 3 hobby or interest page is to cover four aspects of my homeland, Austria. I would like to explore my birth town, (1) Oberndorf, my family's town of endearment, (2) Salzburg, with its' rich history and charm, a popular music festival called the (3) Salzburger FestSpiel on another, and finally have a page on my (4)family.

My Navigation would be as follows:

- Mine Familie
- Oberndorf
- Salzburg
- Salzburger Festspiel

My layout would include native flag colors, festive pictures on each page relevant to the topic, and small buttons that include a rollover emblem of the Austrian flag.

Hope you think it will be great!

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