Sunday, November 11, 2007

Google's Quest for Internet and Later World Domination

As far as search engines go, I can’t really claim that Google is the best. I am pretty much a search engine whore. I’ve used them all. Every engine you use will get you to the same Web pages so I really don’t know how any of them can claim to be the best. All though Google does often. If you want to listen to Google employees talk about how great and superior Google is then you can do so here. Google is faster than the others? I don’t really know because I haven’t really sat down and calculated the time it takes for results to pop up, and anyway my computer is kind of slow so everything takes a while to retrieve.

It is fairly apparent that social networking is the new it thing. For some reason people would rather interact via the Internet than actually have to leave their homes and see people face to face. Mass agoraphobia anyone? Google’s whole Opensocial thing freaks me out a little bit and I think it may facilitate perpetuating people’s laziness. Also, I really don’t like the idea of being logged into a lot of different things at the same time. Sometimes I don’t want people to know where I am on the Internet. Not that I’m doing anything I shouldn’t be I just enjoy my privacy as does everyone else. Opensocial would make me feel as if I were constantly being watched and monitored and that my personal information is up for grabs for whoever wants it.

As for the applications that will be on this giant social network, I am not impressed and I don’t really care. Some of these applications are on Facebook and I don’t use them there so I’m sure I wouldn’t on this network either. Developers may create some really cool applications for this network, but I will never know about them because I don’t plan on joining Opensocial.

Despite the way that I feel about Opensocial, I feel like it will be a successful venture for Google. Obviously Google has done well for itself because it is the most popular search engine. Launching this enormous social network will only help Google reach its ultimate goal of complete Internet domination. Bonne chance Google!

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