Tuesday, September 25, 2007

spirtual healing...rip-off

When I first discovered I had asthma, I wanted to learn everything I could about the chronic disease. After all, I would be living with asthma for the rest of my life. I hit up the spots I thought were reliable such as WebMD and the American Lung Association. I did some Google searches as well and found more good sources, but some sketchy-looking Web sites. When it comes to your health, you don’t want to mess around bad information. In some instances it could mean your life, which is why when I come across sites like World Center for EFT, it makes me upset this information is being expelled to the masses.

World Center for EFT is a site hosted by Gary Craig, an ordained minister who claims his “emotional freedom techniques” can help cure many ailments including allergies, stress, headaches, drug addiction and so forth. It isn’t until you see the homepage of the site and look at the small print at the bottom that one finds out he is not a medical practitioner and this “therapy” has not been proven to work. Now I’m all for alternative medicine. Sometimes it can help someone with an illness, but usually not on its own.

The site claims it can help problems vanish in a matter of minutes after applying EFT. Asthma can be stress-induced, but as a disease, it does affect you internally in terms of the size of your breathing ways. Now if you want to be suckered into buying the 5 Star DVDs, the site sells them for $60 a set. Otherwise, save your money for those physician co-payments and ask for some stress-reducing tips from your doctor. It will save you money and perhaps your health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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