Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mother Jones is a Mother load of..., a self-titled investigative reporting site that offers information on a range of political issues, caught my eye when scoping through Google’s political news hits.

Note: it did not catch my eye because of the name. There are a lot of individuals who share my same last name. Just because we share a common name does not mean we share a common belief. I’m my own woman!

The site was interesting, to say the least, the homepage takes you through a ‘briefing’ in which the authors attempt to tell informatively the “facts” of the political stances of beings such as: Hillary, Cheney, Obama, more Hillary and so forth. Funny thing is, I’m not sure which way the site is leaning to, the political cartoon illustrations bash republicans and democrats alike.

I know what you’re thinking, that’s why they call it an “independent” site, but for the most part, all independent sites have some political mojo going for them.

The fact that the site told information on political namers lent its credibility, BUT the illustrations completely knocked what little credibility I had established of the site.
[Example to the right].

When I went to the ‘About Us’ tab at the top I was fully insured of the non-credibility of this site. Not only did the first line state: “independent nonprofit whose roots lie in a commitment to social justice…” What really pushed me over was the following paragraph:

“If you are a Chase Bank USA card holder and are calling because a charge to "Mother Jones San Francisco" has unexpectedly appeared on your account, you may be the victim of attempted credit card fraud. Please contact the fraud division at Chase: their toll-free number is (866) 564-2262. Mother Jones did not - repeat, did not - enter this charge on your account.”

This is what I concluded:

The site, which is strictly run by donations from viewers, could NOT be credible if the donators have a possible chance of being ripped off by giving their contributions. That alone makes me believe it is un-credible all of the other signs could be disregarded.

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