Sunday, February 13, 2011

SXSW Panels

It was tough coming up with just three panels that I would attend during South By Southwest in Austin this year. Since social media is my interest at the moment, I decided to pick panels that dealt with that.

The first panel that I found interesting was "#Hashtag Takeovers and Successes in Innovative Virtual Activism". This panel discusses the
ways that using interactive tactics in social media to pursue a kind of social change. The idea that millions of people who don't have any personal connection to each other can bond together to push an idea or thought is pretty cool. It gives the example of PETA using a hastag that NASA was using during one of their conventions to try and spread the word about NASA's animal testing, which PETA successfully accomplished.

Another panel event that caught my eye was "I'm So Productive, I Never Get Anything Done." The speakers will be addressing the question of whether the Internet is a productivity tool or just something that wastes time and energy. I personally have gotten both responses from personal experience, which makes me interested in wanting to know what the speakers have to say.

The last panel that I would attend if I was going to SXSW would be "
Profiting from Technology: Online, Offline and On Tour." Since I work on the Promotions staff of KTSW, I know first hand the importance of being online and connecting with your listeners/followers. This panel discusses new technologies of the music industry on and off the road. There will be tactics of making money online (while traveling) and more for people in the social media industry of music.

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